I have lived a portion of my life as an avatar for just over eight years. I created Freda Frostbite in Second Life on April 7, 2009. I was lucky enough to be born in SL before the powers that be saw inexplicably fit to make us give up a piece of our individuality by taking away our family names and saddling us all with the label, Resident, as though each of us is just a tiny cog in the Linden wheel, which, of course, we are, but it's nicer not to acknowledge that fact, isn't it? Over the last eight years, I have watched SL change and grow and my Freda has changed and grown too. Most importantly, I've been able to observe how the changes in Freda have affected changes in me, existing in the solid world. Make no mistake about it, our avatars have meaning that goes far beyond simply being an expression of ourselves.
And that is what this blog is all about. I hope you'll come back over the weeks and months (possibly years) I spend writing here. I hope you will take something away from each visit and you will leave something behind in the form of comments.
Freda today in Hikaru, Second Life. |
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